Start the live transcription as soon as the meeting commences. If you choose not to record the meeting and still want to get a transcribed meeting document, it’s now possible with Microsoft Teams. If you attend calls with Microsoft Teams, you can now go back to the transcribed document to read through the important points and create a more compact transcript or "Minutes of the Meeting." What If You Do Not Want to Record the Meeting? Once you download the audio or the video you can file, save it to your device by making changes as per your requirement.You can save the transcribed file in the. Open the meeting event, choose the transcript, and select Download above the transcript.To do so, choose Calendar on the left in Teams.

To get live transcription for all your virtual meetings, you must enable the transcription setting in MS Teams. Steps to Get Meeting Transcripts from Microsoft Teams If you want to transcribe a meeting live, it’s now possible with Microsoft Teams software. Even when the audio quality is great, and there’s minimal background noise, the automatic transcription software needs to handle different voice quality, common conversational tones, interruptions, and other factors occurring during the call or meeting Transcribing a meeting recording is not easy for AI software to handle.